Girl Scout Cookie History | Girl Scouts

Girl Scout Cookie History

Girl Scouts preserve fruits in response to food shortages, circa 1917.
A Girl Scout sells cookies door-to-door, 1928.
Girl Scout Cookie box, 1930s.
Girl Scouts plan for their Girl Scout Cookie sale, 1940s.
Cookie ad from Girl Scout National Council Session program, 1953.
Girl Scouts show off their Girl Scout Cookie display, 1960.
Girl Scout Juniors sell new cookies, circa 1973.
Girl Scout Cookie sale, 1983.
Girl Scout volunteers teach a Girl Scout Brownie and Girl Scout Junior about the Girl Scout Cookie sale, circa 1990s.
Girl Scout Daisies get in on the fun, and learning, that comes with selling Girl Scout Cookies.
Girl Scouts embrace the technological age using the Digital Cookie platform to sell cookies online.
Cookie-loving consumers across the country get a great big taste of deliciousness with new Adventurefuls™.