
Time needed: 30–45 minutes
Materials needed:
Setup: Find out how to check and track your credit score.
Activity: Keeping good credit is essential to what you can buy as an adult. A strong credit score proves to lenders that you can pay back what you owe on time.
Maintaining good credit is required to secure a house, car, credit card, or education. Anything above a score of 700 is considered good, while scores below 500 are generally considered poor.
Through research, find out which information determines a credit score and what can make a score go up or down. Start by searching online for videos or articles about credit scores or setting up a virtual appointment with a banker or local credit bureau to speak with an expert about the process. You may want to find out:
Learn all you can about establishing and maintaining good credit, and share what you learn with your friends and family!
Think about these questions:
Girl Scout Activity Zone activities have been adapted from existing Girl Scout programming.
Adapted from Step 1 of the Ambassador Good Credit badge. Purchase The Ambassador Girl’s Guide to Girl Scouting to complete all requirements and earn the badge .
Made possible by a generous gift from Toyota Financial Services.